Connection for Safe-Tainer system

Cod. 04677
Connection for Safe-Tainer system

Quick coupling connection for filling from Safe-Tainer system for solvents perchloroethylene and trichlorethylene. Made of chromium plated brass with external threading G 3/4" DIN ISO 228, self-closing.

Код: 04677
Марка: DOW
Категория: Хлорированные растворители и стабилизаторы
Тип: Оборудование
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
04677100 NR QUICK COUPLING 3/4" perchloroethylene + trichlorethylene ** can only be ordered on request
Код GB Описание
04532 Perchloroethylene high stabilized DOWPER MC in Safe-Tainer
04565 Modified alcohol DOWCLENE 1601 in Safe-Tainer
04675 Starter Kit for filling from Safe-Tainer system

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