Gas leak detector Leak Finder

Cod. 07985
Gas leak detector Leak Finder

Gas leak detector Leak Finder inflammable, not corrosive, not toxic, biodegradable, harmless on plastics, rubber, steel, copper, etc. It finds leaks of cold or hot, flammable, toxic, refrigerating gas, GPL, compressed air on pipes, valves, threaded, sized or welded couplings, pressure tanks, refrigerating or smoke circuits, etc. With liquid colourless aspect. Specifications: MIL-L-25567.

Код: 07985
Марка: CRC
Категория: Специальные продукты
Тип: Найти утечки
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
07985500 NR LEAK DETECTOR LEAKFINDER spray ml.500
Техническая спецификация Gas leak detector Leak Finder

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