T wrench 3/8, swivelling and sliding

Cod. 51285
T wrench 3/8", swivelling and sliding

Swivel T wrench with square drive 3/8". Chromium plated . The sliding bar can be stopped in the desired position .

Код: 51285
Марка: BETA
Категория: Ключи
Тип: 3/8" Набор торцевых головок и аксессуары
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
51285380 NR WRENCHES 910/40 3/8 T SWIVELING BETA
Техническая спецификация T wrench 3/8, swivelling and sliding
Код GB Описание
51105 Hexagonal socket wrench 3/8"
51108 Hexagonal socket wrench 3/8"
51135 Polygonal deep socket wrench 3/8"
51138 Polygonal deep socket wrench 3/8"
51183 Screwdriver socket 3/8" for hexagonal Allen screws
51185 Screwdriver socket 3/8" for hexagonal Allen screws
51215 Converter from 3/8" F to 1/2" M
51230 Reducer from 3/8" F to 1/4"M
51290 Reducer from 1/4" F to 3/8" F for screwers
51743 Set of 10 socket wrenches and 2 accessories 3/8"

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